Wow, so “Action Jackson” is coming to the RECORD! I think this is a great move for this Kid’s career. How many out there have caught his segment on Capital News 9 on the weekends? I do occasionally and think he is a mixture of talent, knowledge and hilarity! He really is funny on top of knowing his movies. We are usually accustomed to some older funky boring type person giving his reviews of movies and now along comes ‘Action Jackson”!
I am not sure of his age, he appears to be somewhere between 10-12. He is a short, cute kid with freckles, a nice looking and very well spoken. BUT inside the ‘kid’ body is somewhat of an ‘old man’ lurking in there. Have you ever heard someone describe their child as 10 going on 50? Well this is “Jackson”. He speaks as though he were 40 years old, went to the School of Hands for sure and has all of the facial movements and actions of any well seasoned TV Commenter. He really is a riot. I was very sorry I missed his show for the Halloween weekend. I caught the advertisement for it but was busy during the day and never did get to see it, but he sure had a cool get up on for the advertisement of the segment.
Sometimes you laugh watching his antics and sometimes he acts so old you want to “grab him and stuff him back into his KID body” but he is so enjoyable you are just stuck watching him and can’t turn away, his reviews are right on also, not just his opinion.
Well I want to wish him all the luck in the world with his young career. I can remember being his age and having all the ideas going through my head of what I wanted to ‘do’ or ‘be’, something we don’t see many of the kids doing today, they are just coasting, but he is acting on his ideas. Hurray for his Parents for encouraging him and not holding him back, or telling him he is ‘too young’ or wait until you are older. Let him to continue to run with this and all those other ideas floating around in his head, I think he should also branch out into TV advertisement he certainly has talent and a way of making people pay attention to him.
I don’t know if just having a Review column in the RECORD is going to be as interesting as watching his “act” on TV, but maybe, just maybe the RECORD may want to tie in a video segment of his reviews on their ‘online’ edition, I am sure there will be a lot of advertisers wanting their product info tied to his video segment. IF you have never caught his review, make an effort to do so. You will be mesmerized watching him and come away laughing.
Let me know what your opinion of ACTION JACKSON is, I am sure I will enjoy reading those, and also maybe ‘Action’ will too and get a feel for what the public thinks!