Monday, August 27, 2012

Murders, Fights and Fires!

     Well things aren't getting any better in North Central, matter of fact, they aren't getting any better in Troy in general. We are on a downside and it feels as though someone used wax paper on it. We have had vindictive people setting homes on fire, people wild in the streets where the whole dam Police Dept. had to come out to contain them, then the girls fighting in the street, the next night the guys fighting in the street and now yesterday a murder in the stairwell of the Taylor Apt. High rise.Though the murder scene is well removed from North Central it is still a Hugh concern.

     What is causing all this? What is making people lose control and just how long can we live like this? Not too much longer if you talk to people who live in North Central or anywhere in Troy for that matter. In a city with taxes higher than the Empire State Building it is just disgusting and I personally am dam disgusted! Who the heck is in control here anyway??? It doesn't appear to be anyone at the moment and we better well do something about it now!

     People are screaming for the return of the Street Crime Unit, which did a heck  plan
 a job of squelching the last flare up but our Mayor apparently doesn't see the value of it. Lou Rosamilia is a very nice man, but to repeat the phrase of "nice guys finish last" is NOT where we want to be .Mayor Lou's last involvement in Troy had nothing to do with problems of this sort and in situations like this those who have been there before and for years should take the control and let the History of what stopped the problem repeat itself, no time for "trying something new". The
P E A C E plan has not worked, no one has seen any Officers walking the streets. Why? I'll tell you why, they are too dam busy running around the City answering calls like crazy. If you listen to the Scanner, you will end up in a Panic Attack over all of the fights and violence they are responding too, so how the hell can they walk the streets!

     Chief Tedesco has been on the Police force for 36 years......yes Folks 36 years AND he has a Master's Degree in Business Administration, so he is no "bumbling idiot". So why would anyone who has not served one day on the Police force feel they know more than him, and feel they can tell him what to do? And believe me there are a variety of people trying to do so, and then it makes it look like he is the fool. Let me tell you he is not and neither are the Citizens of Troy. Nina Nichols won her bid for City Council and then was named head of the Public Safety Committee. She won on the popularity vote, but unfortunately has no prior experience in the problems in the City of Troy. Nina has someone filling her head with garbage and directing her to spend her time attacking the Chief. If you attended the last Public Safety meeting, you would have thought you were someplace else as it had nothing to do with Public Safety! It was one pretty nasty attack after another on the Chief, which had nothing to do with the safety of the Citizens of Troy. Now who do you think set her up for that and wrote her scripts? I will leave that for the"Comment Gallery" and I am sure that very person will be the first to comment......of course Anonymously!

Let's get back to the business of protecting Troy and it's Taxpayers, I am sure all of these people causing the problems are NOT paying taxes, matter of fact don't even live in the City of Troy, and as for the murder on Canal Street aren't even Citizens! We are not made of money and cannot afford a penny more in taxes, so let's maximize what we have and let's stop the Comedy Show and cheap entertainment as I for one do not think any of it is very funny. The History of what you all say and do is going to follow you for a long time after you are out of office, and right now it is pretty negative.

     A lot of the problem with the uncontrollable people is a combination of the Drug Trade and abusing Social Services. I will go into that next BLOG as right now I need to cool off a little. And let me tell you there are a lot of people out there as burned up or more than I am and you all need to take notice of that, before the 'normal' people get out of control and there are a lot of angry people out there trying to control their tempers.

This is definitely THE WAY IT IS!


  1. Tina,
    I applaud your dedication in trying to fight the battle. I hope you find the right direction to take it to make a difference. It is so depressing driving down the streets of Troy, with the windows up and doors locked, seeing the total disregard for property and fellow residents that some of these people display. This country has to start holding people responsible for the choices they make and not giving them things for free. Obama must go.

  2. It is about time for the Chief of Police to delegate some authority to his Deputy Chief, Buddy McAvoy. Assistant Chief may not have the diploma in whatever, but he has much needed practical experience in knowing how to solve crimes. Tina is right, time to nip this in the bud before someone gets killed again, all over some silly turf dispute. Say BYE BYE Nia and hand this position over to someone with some practical experience, time to hire back Tony Magnetto as Commissioner, he is one intelligent fellow.

  3. Please proofread. It would be easier to take your ranting seriously if your blog didn't read like a "contribution" to The Record's "Sound Off" feature.

    1. Hi there Dan Palmer, on the Proofreading, you have a point. I was writing on my iPad and it has a mind of it's own when it puts in words it "thinks" you want to type . While trying to correct it's mistakes, I hit something that sent the BLOG to "review" where I was then unable to correct the mistakes, and it started onto another paragraph. So I apologize. Sometimes it is just impossible to use my Computer, for when Folks see me sitting there, they feel compelled to sit and yak my ear off,thus I get nothing done, and walk away, that is pretty much why I didn't post all Summer. But thanks for reading anyway, you and some may not agree, but it is my Opinion, so that is why they categorized me in the OPINION column. Good or bad, I think all the Comments made are interesting, even when they are trying to "fire me up". THEN it gets interesting..........

  4. Wow nobody has anything to say? Shame on you.

  5. You might want to put some pressure on the city council to get this done. As the city falls apart the council president is running around saving "feral" cats. I think Ms. Kopka has forgotten that humans live here too. The property and school taxes combined in Troy ,not to mention the misc taxes like the proposed raise in library tax/the bid tax etc, are beyond belief. Make a improvement to your home...taxes get raised..a system where the reward for improving your property results in higher taxes..simply unbelievable. It is no wonder why the non maintained bldgs with multiple units never receive maintenance... under this system I would let my bldg fall apart and milk it for all the section 8 rents I could get till it becomes uninhabitable. At this point the city has zero vision and leadership from the Mayor and the city council. I suggest anyone who can leave Troy and NYS for lower taxes and a higher quality of life. When feral cats become more important than taxpayers...time to go.

  6. Thank you Anonymous, for your comments. We need more Citizens of Troy willing to talk about the problems we have in Troy and recognize where their roots lie. In defense of our Council President Lynn Kopka, her program for Feral Cats has been underway for years and just now more attention has been focused on it due to her election, lots of people never knew she did this before. Lynn does lots for her Neighborhood AND in other parts of the City. She helped tremendously here in North Central when we developed the "Focus Block" program. She just recently expanded her Feral Cat program throughout the City. But you are absolutely right in what you wrote in your Comment. More people need to speak out. I use to be quiet and would like a 'good little person' wait to see how things would work out and found they didn't. Prodded on by then Capt. John Tedesco of Community Police, that 'things don't get fixed until you open your mouth, stating the Squeeky Wheel gets the grease', I opened my mouth and I guess I haven't shut it yet. I encourage more people to do the same. All of our voices together could be so loud we could get tons of things done. With Silence, all stays still....


  7. This post is depressing. I'm glad Jim Gagliardi posted the link on FB. I am a frequent visitor to Troy, for Troy Night Out, Music Hall, the new NYSTI, etc. I even went to a wonderful Sound of Music at Troy High last year. You have much to offer. If the situation is as Tina puts it, someone had better take control. I don't know who is burning your City down but someone had better get to the bottom of it, pronto. And there's a dire need for traffic control for TNO. People speed up/down River St, 2nd, 3rd,4th Sts like the Daytona 500. If someone is critically injured/killed Troy will be sued for millions and it will end TNO. All stakeholder need to convene and start doing something NOW or yo won't have City left.

  8. Ms. Urzan, If you would check into your claims, you would find that it was Chief Tedesco that got rid of the Crimes unit not the Mayor as the Chief stated. Also, it was also Chief Tedesco that put the "PEACE" plan into the works instead of the Crimes unit which has not worked which I'm sure is why the Mayor is forced to do something about it and put someone in charge to take control and do something about the crime in Troy. As far as the Nina Nichols, she won and we need to respect that and so does the chief. She IS the head of the public safety committee and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell Troy is in Big trouble with crime. Also just because Tedesco has a masters degree in business administration, he was still promoted to Assistant Chief in the dead of night (9:00pm outside a RPI weightroom) for a reason. (Politics???) 36 years on the job doesn't make a chief - fighting crime does - and he is not doing the job! I also find it funny that you are so fast to come to Chief Tedesco's defense but with prior administration, you were always there to attack them. What is he doing for you and your B&B that makes him so great???

    1. Mr Anonymous, why don't you call the Chief and ask for the truth, not all of what you read is the truth. What you see (read) is not always what you get.What do you think he was doing for 36 yrs.? He started from the bottom up, same Police Dept. all those years, don't you think he knows what is going on? Tell me please what is he NOT doing? Do you know something I don't? Seems to me that the Union is holding him back from doing more than he could. With Mr. Sue the City for everything standing in his way, If you are a Citizen of Troy, he is suing YOU not the City. Who said I attacked prior Administration? I probably am one of the biggest supporters of the Troy Police Dept and still am. He is actually not doing anything for me personally or the B&B, matter of fact I am having a hard time trying to get the Police to do their job up here, I have been told certain Officers have been told not to help me one bit as I am vocal. For one, I had someone breaking into the business in the middle of a blizzard at 2 in the morning, while on the phone with 911 they could hear him kicking and trying to get in the door and I couldn't get an arrest. Officers said "he said he had a text on his phone saying his girlfriend was staying here", please..........everyone I had cancelled due to the storm, my lights were off, no one was here and not even a car on the road (thank you Bobby). Second I had a Guest trying to leave with an unpaid $500 bill. I parked my car in the driveway so he could not leave and called 911, the uneducated Officer arrived, told me it was a 'landlord' issue (I AM a business) and told me to move my own car (on my own property) out of my driveway so he could leave, or he would ARREST ME.....(thank you Bobby)
      As for Nina Nichols being head of Public Safety, what did she do before that gives her any experience to head Public Safety? She is making a mess of things. Do you attend the Public Safety meetings? Publish your name and we can talk.
