Well last night was the Full Moon and let me tell you the Lunatics were out mainly at the Finance Committee meeting. I was so very sorry I couldn't make it as I usually do, because I had a lot I wanted to say, but I guess that was good for the lunatics. I will say it here, then they will have the opportunity to read it over and over, in case they can't believe what they did.
First of all they should be completely ashamed of themselves, I voted for a couple of them, out and out supported Lynn Kopka, and now "I" am ashamed I did both of those things.
Second, this is a big waste of Taxpayers money when Troy is in such sad shape financially. $30,000, for a part time 20 hr. position plus benefits. I think you Council Folks should pay that out of your pockets, please don't spend my money on such crap. We do not need a Commissioner to oversee the Chief and 1 Asst. Chief and one Deputy Chief, I think there is already plenty being spent there in salaries and tons of knowledge and experience, what on earth is a Commissioner going to do besides appease Bob Fitzgerald? He isn't even a Taxpayer. We all know what is behind this, pure politics and sour grapes. For those of you spreading around the word the Chief was appointed in the dead of night behind closed doors, I guess you don't know AM from PM and Mayor Tutunjian waited months before he made a decision on who he chose and he made it based on who he thought could rectify the problems in the Police Dept., mainly the runaway overtime and other internal problems which were quite serious. Seeing the previous Chief suddenly retire should make any ones ears perk up. Neither Tedesco or Tutunjian made him do that, and that left the position open.
My thoughts are that the person the Mayor is going to appoint is Tony Magnetto, someone I personally like. But I care very little for sour grapes, he left the dept, and should stay there. He and Tedesco were great friends, started on the force the same day, rode together as partners for years, what happened here Tony? Should he be appointed to the position, no. No one should obviously be appointed to this and should he and he accept it I am sure he is going to regret it, this City is messed up, Politics have ruined it. Mayor Rosamilia states he is going to take a while and find the absolute best candidate for the position, do I believe that? No. The Council will push him around like they already have and tell them who they want and who could he find that is an 'excellent' candidate for $30,000 and a 20 hr part time position in a City with a Council partly comprised of inexperienced people, who try to run a Police Dept with experience in Policing that they don't have? He would have to be a nut too.Maybe Bob Fitzgerald will quit his Patrolman's position and then apply. We will have to run for cover as taxes will go sky high and there will so many Officers doing other things than patrolling crime will really go crazy.
The main problem with Tedesco being appointed was he has no skeletons in closet that Fitzie can pressure him with revealing, if he doesn't get his way, so he has to resort to suing the City (umm you and me)and telling lies to newly appointed Council members who eagerly eat it up and run out and do stupid things without any proof or experience and think they are doing good. If they were so concerned with Public Safety and knew what they were doing, why was Kevin McGrath a convicted Felon appointed to the Public Safety Committee? I think that has to fall to, I am very sad to say, my former good friend Lynn Kopka. Also Tedesco bent over backwards for Lynn for years like he did for all of us heads of Neighborhood Assn leaders. Thank you Lynn.. I am sure he would like to say that but I will say it for him. Nina Nichols, I don't recall her being involved in any City Committees regarding Public Safety previous to her run for Council, so where is her background in the Police Dept.? None of them can disagree with anything of what is being written here. After they all fail to be re-elected next term they will leave behind a never ending stream of conversation of 'remember them'? Whew glad they are gone! Am I angry? No just confused on how we end up with such irresponsible people doing such brainless deeds and they get PAID for it with YOUR money! Something is "screwie" here and that may be the key word.
I know very few of the new cops on the force now, and there are a lot, I use to know 80% of them. I can't conceive of how they can work under these circumstances, all created by their PBA head, I think those that support their Chief should speak up and tell him so, some are so new on the force they really know nothing of previous problems and probably really don't want to. Some probably want to run for shelter.
Well here we are at the end and as always, I leave my opinion as "That's the Way it Is", and more people should, and more should speak up and maybe we could stop hiding all the crap that goes on in Troy and make it a nice City to live in. Write the Pulse of the People in the Record and spit it out.
My opinion is the Chief should run for Mayor next election, he would win hands down unless, of course, there is the ultimate Democrat regime that will cover the city to make sure we stay king of VOTER FRAUD! Our crowning glory.........
My second opinion is that they should completely dissolve the Police Dept., privatize it, hire back the cops that WANT to be cops and not just come here and punch in everyday and can't wait to get the hell out and of course NO UNION. Then the Citizens of Troy can feel like those Policing us want to be here and care for our safety and well being.