There are various ways the Folks in Troy respond to stories that they read in the RECORD, or comment on things they know are going on, or hear on the street or TALK RADIO. Some are general comments, some made in anger or just being a little upset over how things are going and they vent. Some sign their names, and they are not ashamed of it, these are usually posted in the 'Pulse of the People', or they anonymously call into Sound Off or create a cute little name and respond in the "comment" section of the online version of The RECORD directly after the story.
I read these occasionally and find them to be amusing, sometimes right on the money and other times downright lies of people posting to try and sway the general publics thoughts on a specific matter,to their way of thinking, or just to throw them completely off base. In most events no one signs their real name, they use one of the inventive "made up names". Some are pretty funny, like "Gonnagetemville" or "SouthTroygirl", "Flapper", "FormerNYer" or whatever. Some of the names are very descriptive of the way they write or their mission with the post.
Today I found myself reading the comments that were being made under the article describing the tug of war between Mayor Tutunjian and Councilman Bill Dunne mostly regarding the lawsuit that is being brought against the City of Troy (us Taxpayers) by Officer Robert Fitzgerald, over his loss of Life's Enjoyment or a similar title. There was quite a bit of 'beating up" going on with these comments and quite a few were fairly easy to figure out who was writing them.
Years ago on a popular morning radio show, MASON & SHEEHAN there use to be a very entertaining segment of the show called "Dear Bobby". Folks would write in with some hilarious problems and Bob Mason would either solve their troubles for them or just make a very colorful comment to it. I use to enjoy writing letters in myself, under a fictitious name and listen to the results.
Nowadays, I don't entertain myself or others with that type of thing, I like to write about serious issues or concerns within the City of Troy or other areas and sign my name, which I occasionally do in the Pulse of the People.
So when reading the comments in the above mentioned article, I came across one from "Concerned Troy Resident". In this comment Chief Tedesco and both Mayor Tutunjian were getting beat up together over their handling of the PBA and the Police Dept. in general. In a 'hit' to Chief Tedesco the verbage was "Oh and let's not forget about his favorite TINA that will write into Sound Off for about a month or two after this". So geez I guess I have to revert back to the old MASON AND SHEEHAN show with this, so here goes...
Dear Bobby,
Thank you for mentioning me in your comment. I thought you forgot about me. I would like to point out a few things for you. No. 1, I don't have to call into Sound Off to make comments, I have my 'very own' BLOG now to do it, online with the RECORD for all to read and comment and guess what? I SIGN my name, no need to be sneaky or make up a name. I didn't know I was his "favorite" I thought I was Asst. Chief, remember when you gave me that title? But Chief Tedesco IS "my" favorite, and I also have to add I do have other lesser 'favorites' in the Police Dept. they know who they are and if you would like me to list them at some point I will. All are favorites because they pay attention, listen and react and make all of the citizens happy. Chief Tedesco is my leetle favorite because for the last 12+ years when he was barely just a measly little Captain, I happened to call upon his assistance when he first became associated with and then headed up the Community Police unit. I called for help, received it and have been getting the SAME results continuously. I have to tell you, before that fateful day I had a VERY negative view and relationship with the Troy Police Dept. and stayed as far from them or their assistance as I could. He changed all that for me and a LOT of people. He listened, he advised, he helped and he steered all of us in the Community Groups in the right direction. He had a band of Merry Little Community Police Officers that liked working for him and boy, they got it done, no disputing that and they KNOW it! He really helped in mine and others efforts to shape up North Central where before it was ignored like the Bubonic Plague. As he went up the ranks he continued. And because he is so well liked with the Community, he is despised by others including you. Though there are many in the TPD that absolutely admire him and work well with him. For these efforts he has been bestowed with the highest honor, from the Community, he has been awarded THE CAPE! He also knows that at anytime this prestigious award could be taken from him if he falls from grace...but I don't think so.
So in ending my 'Dear Bobby' letter, I invite you to pick up the phone and call me anytime and we can discuss issues in Troy, the PBA, the TPD or even the price of Kool-Aid these days, and who is drinking it, whatever..... Whoever you think is 'Sounding off" in that column is not me, but someone else defending the Chief and feeling the same as me. So now the new mission for you is to look farther to find out who, other than me, is "Sounding Off " I can always use a Partner!
And...... here it is! My Name in bold letters!
Tina Urzan