Tuesday, December 20, 2011


McDonald's, proposed for Hoosick St. at the corner of 15th seems to be on a lot of folks minds. I attended the last hearing on this in City Hall and there was a large crowd. The crowd filled the room and there were folks out in the hallway, but I couldn't tell you how many as in the position I was in I could only see those crowded in the doorway. Some folks had their say and then left and others quickly filled their seats.

The Principals for the project presented their case and then the Planning Board allowed comments of which there were many and most of them were concerned about the traffic area as was I. My thoughts were with the added traffic, and may I say, it is a high traffic area anyway and they is NOT going to go away but there will be some added to it. The REAL problem is: most of this traffic now is moving along, but adding the McDonald's will add a lot of stop and turn, stop and go traffic which will really slow things down. My concern was as Hoosick St. has a incline to it going East, and there are so many Tractor Trailers that utilize this route, for each stop and go of the Trailers it is going to be a real slow go for them to even get back up to speed again going through all of their gears only to have to stop again and try to get started again on that hill.

As for the other vehicular traffic, the Intersection lights are going to be a challenge to try and time correctly to keep anything moving smoothly. We already have gridlock at the bottom of Hoosick and 6th where the traffic lights are badly timed. The area between 6th and the end of the exit of the bridge is short, the traffic light is terribly long. So no one on 6th wants to be stuck waiting through a 2nd light cycle go bumper to bumper on the Intersection at high traffic time and the flow of traffic on 6th going North and South comes to a standstill due to the gridlock. This same thing will happen at Hoosick and 15th.

After thinking about this for a while I could only think as much as I detest them is to put a "Rotary" in at the 15th St. intersection, it would have to be wide with a small center to accommodate the Tractor trailers but at least it would keep things moving smoothly with no gridlock and few accidents.

It as always, only my opinion, but That's the Way It Is...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Occupy Albany/ Occupy Everything

  All week long, if you turned on the TV, or the Radio, or read the Newspaper all you hear or see is Occupy Albany and still some of the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland. Most of what you hear are people that are very negative towards the protesters, but I am on the opposing side, I am 'for' the Protesters.
   This country isn't in very good shape economically and the morale of the US Citizen is not very good. For the last few years I have been saying that this Country is headed for a Revolution. The American Citizen has had enough, they are starting to  get vocal and speak out and no one seems to be listening and I am talking about Government and big Corporations. The Administration isn't listening at all and they aren't watching things either. They have been elected to speak for us and protect us and they have done neither, we are in a big mess, created by our leadership. They have let big Corporations such as  Insurance Companies and Credit Card companies fleece us and the Government whether it is Federal, State or the smaller leadership, tax us, fee us, surcharge us or whatever label you want to put on it, to death! Our protests got a start in the last election by voting some of them out but not enough, I don't think they got the message, so now Society is taking the next step, they are grouping together and protesting. Groups are mostly small but some larger and more agressive. There is a LOT of anger out there and we are fed up with what is going on. What does disturb me though is there are some people that just don't seem to get the message that they are doing this for us. If I could be there with them I would. I have been listening to the Radio Shows and some people calling in and saying 'get them out of there"! What are you KIDDING ME?? This is America and they have every right to their Freedom of Speech and they chose public areas where they can be seen. I am very surprised Paul Vandenburgh on Talk 1300, our only local talk show now on the Airwaves, has been pounding away all week on this, and he doesn't seem to be getting the amounts of calls he would like to on these protestors agreeing with him. Paul has his microphone, every single morning, and he reaches a huge number of listeners and when he goes on one of his rampages over something that is either upsetting him OR is blatanly wrong and he needs to get it out there and hammer away on it ( and that is a GOOD thing) he has his microphone. What do the Protestors have? Just there voices and their signs and whatever Media coverage they can get, lately the Media has been beating up on them. What is WRONG with everyone? Can't you see the Govenment is not listening nor anyone else and that by their total ignorance or as out in Oakland the violence that started with heavy Police action, they are causing more problems for themselves. I congratulate Mayor Jennings and D. A.  Soares on their decision to leave it all alone. They know they have their rights and I would venture to say that they agree with them and are just sitting back and monitoring the situation. We have American soldiers in other countries that are fighting for other people's freedom of speech and liberties and getting killed for it, and we can't speak out here in our own Country? You have to be kidding me, to coin Paul's phrase, ya just can't make this stuff up Folks.
  People will say, 'well just what are they protesting about'? Well, have you been living under a ROCK? Is everything so perfect in your world that you don't have a clue what is going on outside of your Soap Opera or Sports game? And if you think everything is OK, then I want some of the Kool Aid YOU are drinking! Each person is speaking out about different problems in our Country, for a few, High Taxes, Corrupt Politicians, Double standards, out of control Welfare System, people defrauding our Social Service program left and right, Illegal Immigration, Illegals getting benefits people paying the taxes for can't. The Unions. The Justice system letting  people off one after the other, Politicians not being prosecueted, the rich not being prosecuted. Look what is going on with the Hollywood 'Elite', do just what ever you want and the Judge will say..........ok, play nice and you can go. u-m-m-m-m Linsday Lohan anyone? We are just sick to death of it all and us small  people are paying for it all and paying and paying and paying. These groups are going to get larger and larger, and the same dumb people won't listen and the Revolution will start. It happened before and it can happen again and I am for one sure it will. I don't know if I will live to see it, it is going to take some time, but if I am still alive, I will be  part of it, can't think of a better way to go!

As always, "That's The Way It Is"..........

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sound Off, Comments and so on

There are various ways the Folks in Troy respond to stories that they read in the RECORD, or comment on things they know are going on, or hear on the street or TALK RADIO. Some are general comments, some made in anger or just being a little upset over how things are going and they vent. Some sign their names, and they are not ashamed of it, these are usually posted in the 'Pulse of the People', or they anonymously call into Sound Off or create a cute little name and respond in the "comment" section of the online version of The RECORD directly after the story.

I read these occasionally and find them to be amusing, sometimes right on the money and other times downright lies of people posting to try and sway the general publics thoughts on a specific matter,to their way of thinking, or just to throw them completely off base. In most events no one signs their real name, they use one of the inventive "made up names". Some are pretty funny, like "Gonnagetemville" or "SouthTroygirl", "Flapper", "FormerNYer" or whatever. Some of the names are very descriptive of the way they write or their mission with the post.

Today I found myself reading the comments that were being made under the article describing the tug of war between Mayor Tutunjian and Councilman Bill Dunne mostly regarding the lawsuit that is being brought against the City of Troy (us Taxpayers) by Officer Robert Fitzgerald, over his loss of Life's Enjoyment or a similar title. There was quite a bit of 'beating up" going on with these comments and quite a few were fairly easy to figure out who was writing them.

Years ago on a popular morning radio show, MASON & SHEEHAN there use to be a very entertaining segment of the show called "Dear Bobby". Folks would write in with some hilarious problems and Bob Mason would either solve their troubles for them or just make a very colorful comment to it. I use to enjoy writing letters in myself, under a fictitious name and listen to the results.

Nowadays, I don't entertain myself or others with that type of thing, I like to write about serious issues or concerns within the City of Troy or other areas and sign my name, which I occasionally do in the Pulse of the People.

So when reading the comments in the above mentioned article, I came across one from "Concerned Troy Resident". In this comment Chief Tedesco and both Mayor Tutunjian were getting beat up together over their handling of the PBA and the Police Dept. in general. In a 'hit' to Chief Tedesco the verbage was "Oh and let's not forget about his favorite TINA that will write into Sound Off for about a month or two after this". So geez I guess I have to revert back to the old MASON AND SHEEHAN show with this, so here goes...

Dear Bobby,
Thank you for mentioning me in your comment. I thought you forgot about me. I would like to point out a few things for you. No. 1, I don't have to call into Sound Off to make comments, I have my 'very own' BLOG now to do it, online with the RECORD for all to read and comment and guess what? I SIGN my name, no need to be sneaky or make up a name. I didn't know I was his "favorite" I thought I was Asst. Chief, remember when you gave me that title? But Chief Tedesco IS "my" favorite, and I also have to add I do have other lesser 'favorites' in the Police Dept. they know who they are and if you would like me to list them at some point I will. All are favorites because they pay attention, listen and react and make all of the citizens happy. Chief Tedesco is my leetle favorite because for the last 12+ years when he was barely just a measly little Captain, I happened to call upon his assistance when he first became associated with and then headed up the Community Police unit. I called for help, received it and have been getting the SAME results continuously. I have to tell you, before that fateful day I had a VERY negative view and relationship with the Troy Police Dept. and stayed as far from them or their assistance as I could. He changed all that for me and a LOT of people. He listened, he advised, he helped and he steered all of us in the Community Groups in the right direction. He had a band of Merry Little Community Police Officers that liked working for him and boy, they got it done, no disputing that and they KNOW it! He really helped in mine and others efforts to shape up North Central where before it was ignored like the Bubonic Plague. As he went up the ranks he continued. And because he is so well liked with the Community, he is despised by others including you. Though there are many in the TPD that absolutely admire him and work well with him. For these efforts he has been bestowed with the highest honor, from the Community, he has been awarded THE CAPE! He also knows that at anytime this prestigious award could be taken from him if he falls from grace...but I don't think so.

So in ending my 'Dear Bobby' letter, I invite you to pick up the phone and call me anytime and we can discuss issues in Troy, the PBA, the TPD or even the price of Kool-Aid these days, and who is drinking it, whatever..... Whoever you think is 'Sounding off" in that column is not me, but someone else defending the Chief and feeling the same as me. So now the new mission for you is to look farther to find out who, other than me, is "Sounding Off " I can always use a Partner!

And...... here it is! My Name in bold letters!

Tina Urzan

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mosley Trial

Well the Mosley trial is over and no one is surprised over the outcome. The evidence the Prosecution had, mainly his DNA overwhelmed any story Mr. Mosley could make up of where he was or how his blood got there. I for one never went for the Snowboarding story to cover up how he cut his hand. Besides the testimony of the weather conditions that day, I recall he also said he met his Son after work (4:30-5:00 PM?) and I would have thought the lighting conditions, if it weren’t dark already would not have been beneficial to Snowboarding in such a dangerous area anyway. I didn’t go for the stopping by to give him a ride, was he already dead when he called for this ‘ride’?

What I was surprised at was the emotional scene created by his Mother when the verdict was announced. She went on the stand stating he spent the night with her that night, believed by few. She had to know in her heart he was guilty though no Mother I know would want to believe it and held hope against reality in her heart somehow he would get off. Listening to her on the news hollering “NO” and “get me out of here I want to die!”, made me immediately think of Arica’s Mother Robin. I am sure when her Daughter’s body was discovered; “she” wanted to die, over and over and over. The pain of losing a child is devastating but knowing she was murdered as horribly as she was and wonder over and over how long did she suffer, did she die quickly or linger, had to rip the heart out of Robin and you can see the toll it has taken on her body. Wilma’s Son is going to prison but is still alive, Robin’s heart dies again and again, day after day knowing she will never see her Daughter again, Wilma can visit and talk, Robin visits and stares,….. at a Tombstone.

The whole story is so very sad, I wish it never had happened for both parties sake, but it is done and over with. Perhaps Robin can get her health back, her heart is another story.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Downtown Parking Woes

The Council is going to meet on an ongoing problem about parking in the Downtown Troy area. Street cleaning has become a problem with the cars that are parked there overnight. We all know it is a problem for the Residents who live in Downtown, many of these apartments do not have off-street parking, garages, or if they do, not enough room to accomodate all who live in the apts. as many have been broken down into multiple living spaces, OR the Tenants that live in them have mulitple cars. Troy was set up in the Horse and Buggy days and modern times have really made an impact on original plans for the City. Folks who lived in Troy in the middle to late 1800's, lived downtown and worked downtown and it was much easier to stable your Horse and or Buggy than it was to park a car or more. Vendors delivered goods to your homes or traveled the streets with their wares and you went out and purchased from them instead of having to leave you house to travel elsewhere.

We all know, it comes down to the basics, move your car for the cleaners or you have to suffer with dirty streets. Most if not all know the cars need to be moved as signs are posted and once you live there you know the drill. But there ARE occasions when it is purely an oversight of the rules or someone may be sick and not able to move their car, or lost track of what day it is or whatever the reason for an accidental leaving of your car there. People who do it purposely get no sympathy from this BLOGGER.

Resident Kevin Luddy has come up with an idea of using modern technology to notify Folks that their car was in the way of the cleaners. I believe the basics of this so far is an EXCELLENT idea, you GO Kevin. I do not though believe this should be the responsibility of the City though. We ALL know the next step will be lazy Folks who don't move their cars because the 'City' didn't notify them. The City already has through signage. This could be a very very good organized way of solving the problem. One person could take charge of registering each Resident whether by email or Twitter whichever technology that person possesses, and send out a 'reminder' of cleaning times. It is similar to all of the Cascade lists we all use to use via telephone. I think this will also foster great neighborhood relations which as we all know leads to less crime when we all know our neighbors and their habits.

Are there other Folks out there who have a similar idea that could be tossed out here to help solve the problem? No matter what the issue may be, when everyone cooperates, usually the problem goes away.

Hats off to Kevin!! He has put on the thinking cap to help solve this problem..

Please feel free to post your comments!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

St. Patricks Church Revisited

Well yesterday, Saturday, Mar. 5, 2011, some of the neighborhood Folks gathered on a cold windy day to watch the beautiful artifacts be carried out of St. Patricks's Church on Sixth Ave. It was like attending a funeral, standing outside waiting for the Casket and your deceased loved one inside, come out. Inside of going into a waiting Hearse, these Statues and other other wonderful items, bought and paid for by the Parishoners were being slid into a dirty old BUDGET RENTAL TRUCK! How depressing it was to observe this, very slow process. Outside on the top step stood a Chubby man with long curly hair, speaking on the phone with someone, when he hung up he said 'ok, goodbye Father', goodbye is right. Goodbye to the church, goodbye to your faith, and goodbye to the future.

When asked questions, we ignored us. When asked if we could go inside, he said 'no'. When asked who he was and I took a picture of him and a picture of the inside of the church through the door, he closed and locked them. Everyone, read this carefully, this is your Roman Catholic Church, the Church you grew up in and supposedly who taught you to have faith, be honest, slamming the door in your face! I for one, will never set foot in a Catholic Church again to attend Mass. The only time they 'might' see me is to attend a Funeral. And believe me when I die, MY services won't be in a CHURCH, if anyone drags my Casket in one, listen carefully, as you will hear me scratching to get out. The miracle will begin, I will push the lid off and you will hear my big mouth all over again and I will be, hollaring at everyone, 'what the hell is the matter with you??" OUT OF HERE! EVERYONE, what did you do..FORGET?? Bishop Hubbard, we will never forget, ever, you better leave town too. But not by way of a Church as you will have closed them all, what a Saint you are. I just can't wait to see, when we all die, where you end up.

Is this harsh? You BET it is! Is this warranted? You BET it is! Shame, shame, shame on him. He can put this on no one else but himself, His Church, his neighborhood, his disgrace. Not once did he come out to talk with the Parishoners who were begging to leave this church open. Nope, Bishop Coward, just hid in his little fort and sent his Henchman out to do his dirty work.

Catholics, where ever your church is still open, if you still attend Mass, when they pass around the basket, inside of putting your hard earned money in it, put in a slip of paper, not a I O U, but a U owe US! And then leave...forever!

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Rebirth of City Hall

The following appeared in the Pulse of the People, The RECORD, Feb. 24, 2011

Much has been said about the location of a new Troy City Hall. Many are very pleased it is no longer located in the old building due to the mold problems, wasted space, a Council Chamber that was designed so inadequately it was very hard to hear anything that was being said in there, and just the plain old design of it. Personally I thought it was the ugliest building I ever saw. The structure was completely out of character for a great historical City like Troy, known for it's fine architecture. Suggestions for a new City Hall have been plentiful. Some like where it is right now, the old Verizon building at 1776 Sixth Ave. That is an acceptable location with parking, though there is not a Council Chamber and use has been being made of the Christ Church on State and Fifth Aves. I have to add, I like the situation and the sound enhancement and the atmosphere. There is plenty of comfortable seating and vision is excellent.

So at this point I would like to bring a fresh consideration into play. St. Patrick's Church in Uptown/North Central has been closed. Next door to it on the North is the former convent for the nuns, the Rectory is to the south of it. How wonderful it would be for City Hall to relocate here. The Convent could be turned into individual offices and also the Rectory. The Church would make an absolute outstanding location for the Council Chamber! It would afford the same position we now have for the meetings as Christ Church provides, roomy, wonderful views for those participating in the meetings and it is AIR CONDITIONED! When the location is not being used for Chamber functions, other meetings could be booked there holding many more people than the former City Hall ever afforded. Community meetings, Department meetings, Holiday functions and whatever type of purpose the Community could need. Also the City could rent it out for other gathering and help pay for its upkeep. There is parking on the corner of Douw and Sixth, and it is between 2 Bus lines which would make it accessible to everyone. The location is less than 1/2 mile from the major highways and right off of Route 7. The Community Police Station is half a block to the North. What a wonderful re-use of a building to keep a Community active and vibrant. The building is in wonderful condition and handicapped accessible. Extra parking could be found in other locations of the buildings that are slated for demolition or abandoned in the future.

Can you imagine the Kudos our City administration and Council would receive for such a fine change of venue for this building? I envision the magnitude of Citizens speaking of the brilliance of this occupation and use for the populace of Troy and the alternate uses for the general public. It would lessen the gap between the northern and central parts of Troy which is closing everyday with the development of the River St. area just north of the Green Island Bridge and also new talk of development of the former Marshall Ray building and the former Mooradians just south of that, is also ripe for redevelopment. Next would come new small businesses, restaurants, etc. and mid level and larger businesses. What a comprehensive boost to this area with the Street/Structural grant coming in mid 2012.

If you agree, let your City Administrators and Council Representative know.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fed Up People

Lots and lots of news out there lately, you really don't know where to start, what to believe and not to believe. But I can tell you, rest assured as I have always thought, where there is 'smoke', there is 'fire'. Maybe all the facts may not be out there yet, the course of how things happened, and ALL of whom may be involved, but the story has a pretty good foundation by the time you hear about it.

We have local issues that will knock your socks off, such as unbelievable Pensions people retire with, Voter fraud, where elections are manipulated to control you, control your City, and double dipping of our State and Federal workers. The game being, retire, take your Pension and then go right back to work, sometimes at the very same job, but maybe with a little tweaking to the job or title.

There is no bigger a story now though, then what is going on in Egypt and some other countries where the Citizens are fed up and speaking out. No surprise. What some Politicians don't realize is how very likely the same exact thing could happen here. I don't think they comprehend how much anger there is out there with the American Citizens, or maybe think, OK, they are upset, it will blow over, we just have to throw a few more lies out there, or some more BS and they will simmer down, just keep covering up. Maybe they ought to get out there in public a little more and take note of what they people are saying and feeling. More and more I hear people talking about how they just can't take anymore of the living conditions we are under. Not just a few people, but a LOT. I am a firm believer that our situation here is getting to the boiling point. I am astonished though that with all of the conversations and complaining of what is going on in our Government, Local, State and Federal, that many of these people were re-elected!!! I either have to ask myself, what is wrong with some people, are they more gullible than I ever thought, are they afraid to go against the flow, or are many more of the elections corrupt too? Talk of Computerized voting scares the dickens out of me, how easy will that be to manipulate the system?

I hear of organized efforts to change things, the Tea Party is certainly a good start and I truly believe that they have the beginnings of what is to be a very strong impact on the future elections. They are growing by leaps and bounds, all parties included. ANGRY PEOPLE! Listen all you Politicians out there ANGRY PEOPLE! The very people you represent, the ones who elected you to stand up for them, then you get in and start your own agenda, your OWN interests and then blow the people off. Now, listen again, ANGRY PEOPLE. We have over paid Politicians, under paid Citizens, benefits you receive but the voters, yes the VOTERS don't, for example, the new health plan. Yes go ahead and convince us of how wonderful it is, but not wonderful enough for the Politicians, they have their own premier golden plan, not us, out here in Serfdom. If you try to speak with your Representatives, they are too busy, blow you off, and avoid you, whatever spin you want to put on it, and they are representing us, being PAID by us, WE put them in office and they have no time for us, don't want to hear our thoughts, our problems, our dissatisfaction, what we need changed or for them to work on. We are overtaxed, double taxed, fees on this and fees on that, Foreigners come into this country and have more benefits than we do and never paid into any of it, they come and get free HOUSES, what is wrong with only providing that very generous benefit to Citizens only. They can't find any poor people here? What are they BLIND??? Our Representatives make laws to benefit themselves and not us. Just think back to the Jersey barriers surrounding the Capital, built by our money. Thank God newly elected Gov. Cuomo had the foresight to have them removed and I give him credit for that. I wonder who our previous Governors were trying to prevent from coming in, was it a fear of the 'terrorists' or of us.

The point of this BLOG is to all of our 'leaders' pay attention to what is going on around you and the world. Egypt is not that far away, it can certainly happen here, they were and are as fed up as we are. This isn't just good TV, this is reality! Watch that TV and watch it close. This is very scary. Our Country's history preceded us with some very angry people, where did the name Tea Party evolve from? The Revolutionary War and the Civil War were just not cool stories to read about in some book. Let us also note that those people did not have the communications in those days that we do now, they had to really work at getting organized, and they succeeded in making some big changes, unfortunately those who followed these leaders in Government have some very undersized memories. One of the first things that they did in Egypt was to try and break the communications. So the message is to all you Silver Spoon or wanna be Silver Spoon Politicians out there, get back to your Grade School basics and start reading again and make sure it sinks in, this is HISTORY and not some Huckleberry Finn story. And we are about to write more.

Why this BLOG today? Because 'That's the Way it is" and it better change, and for those who are still sleeping, you better wake up and SPEAK up!

Your thoughts and comments PLEASE!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Great Police Work

People always have their opinions about the Troy Police Dept. some are good, some are bad, some well deserved and some not. I have always been pretty much a supporter of the Troy Police, like others I have also had some problems, some have been rectified and some haven't. In a city the size of Troy, I feel for our size and the problems we have been incurring over the past 10-15 years, there is MORE then enough work for our Officers. In fact I feel we need a lot more on the force than we have, but we can't afford them, and that is pretty sad. Our Officers on a daily basis have to deal with accidents, traffic problems, domestic problems, nonsense problems and some very serious such as murders. It is a very mixed bag.

The best officers we have on the force no doubt are well seasoned officers, those who have pretty much been through it all and have the experience of how to act and handle situations as they arise to hope for the best outcome.

When an officer knows his area and the people that inhabit it, who belongs in a neighborhood and who may be suspicious, those who are good solid citizens and those who are the problems he makes a very valuable asset for the department.

Officer Christopher Rasmussen was on patrol when the call came through with a brief description of a car that two young hoodlums were in after a alleged home invasion and assault, with a sharp eye he spotted one resembling the description and with cooperation it was stopped and the two inhabitants of the car were arrested. This officer could have been daydreaming or just cruising, but he was 'Johnnie on the spot' and deserves kudos for his work.

The two punks who committed this crime I feel are lost in an atmosphere of being cool or impressing their friends, or copy catting what they see on TV or the Movies but were clearly on the fast track of ruining their lives and now have reached their destination. It appears from what I read the perpetrators and the victims all knew each other, and I don't know the reason for the Home Invasion or what the beef was, but I do know this is not going to be a happy ending for these two. You have to wonder what goes on in their heads to make them think these types of actions are 'right' or are going to get them anywhere or why they thought they could get away with it. I am lost on this, these kids need to be taught there are other ways of gaining respect and advancing through the roads of life. Go to School, get a job, make some money, buy what you like and impress your friends and family THAT way. but I guess that just isn't cool. Well I for one am not impressed with the method that they chose, and I don't think that they are right now either.

I am impressed though with Officer Rasmussen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

National Greed

I just read online that National Grid has been approved for a $112.7 Million increase. What may I ask, or who, with any kind of brains would approve anything like that for this company in the state of the economy we are now in?? A few weeks ago I read that they made 1.9 Billion in profit last year. I don't know about YOU but I am sick to death of these 'DELIVERY FEES' attached to my bill. Last month for my house and the one next door (I pay the Gas & Lights there) I was billed and paid $511.24, JUST THE DELIVERY FEE, for this I received NOTHING! My Gas and Lights were separate. Again this is just their DELIVERY FEE for the PRIVILEGE of getting their gas and lights. This is as much as my Mortgage. Your Mortgage you can eventually pay off, this you can't and it is there every single month on the bill.

I called Customer service about it last year and asked for an explanation of this fee. The Representative was very nice and explained it is similar to the Oil company having to pay for the Truck to deliver the Oil and for the driver to drive the truck, they are charging me to get it into my house. I told her no one drives a truck to get the Gas here and she told me I was right but there is a pipe from the street to the house for the gas. I gave her that, but then told her my house was 118 years old so how the heck long do you have to pay for the PIPE!!!

She sighed and said I hear you, what really happened to create this fee was, and application was made for a rate hike and not granted, so in place of a rate hike a separate DELIVERY FEE was added instead. We never had to pay this before this company took over and I have been getting their service for some 39 yrs now. Can someone explain this to me and also tell me how as Citizens we can legally get these charges removed from our bills? It adds up to more than my Property taxes a year, no wonder why we can't pay those.

Comments, PLEASE!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Troy Police Vehicle Accident

As of Jan. 6th, 2011 I am still reading comments on the early morning accident of a collison between a Troy Police SUV Cruiser, driven by Brandon Cipperly, an Officer of 3 years standing and a Pedestrian. I have been reading these and probably a good word to use is 'amazed'. I have been on both sides of the Love/Hate debate of the Troy Dept. I admit, not much on the 'Hate' side, but have had some complaints. AND I have to add, the complaints have been taken care of. From all that I know, this Officer has done nothing wrong here. For those who have been bashing him, and I do NOT know him, if you were in his position it would not have ended any other way. For those who have taken a real interest in the story, enough to know where it actually happened, you could NEVER blame the Officer. That area even in good weather should never be crossed! There is the ramp coming off of the Collar City Bridge, a curve in the road and it is a very wide spot there with traffic coming both North and South and a Ramp merge. How much more traffic do you need to keep track of in addition to your own safe crossing, plus jumping a snowbank AND unsafe street conditions? It is not a safe area for Pedestrians. This man should only have been crossing on the corner, with a light and a Crosswalk. He wasn't and he is at fault, plain and simple. The Officer, God Bless him DID see him or it may have had a different ending, he is lucky, he may have taken the full brunt of a collison.

For those bashing the Officer, just try driving through North Central on any day, in good weather and you can find all sorts of IGNORANT PEOPLE walking in the road, walking right out in front of you from inbetween cars, walking at night in dark clothes, standing in the middle of the road talking, double parking, or and just STOPPING their cars in the middle of the road to talk and not pulling over. Just how much can a responsible driver take and keep track of? And this guy is jumping out in front of the Officer's cruiser and the COP is supposed to be at fault?? Maybe those jumping all over him should be presented the same scenario and we can jump all over you. I am sure he felt terrible after it happened. I hit a Dog years ago who was chasing another up over a snowbank on River St. and I felt awful for weeks. He got up and ran away, but I had no clue whether he was OK or not, I reported it, then never heard anything else. This was a person he hit, so I am sure he feels terrible.

I think the Police should put out a major detail this Summer, when this insanity of the abuse of the use of the streets for other than vehicular traffic is at its peak. They should be stopped and ticketed for all infractions. One of the worse scenes I can remember is a young girl, in her Teen years, running around in circles at the intersection of Glen and Sixth, flapping her arms like a bird, making a mess of moving traffic and then sitting down in the middle of the road in defiance. True Story. She is lucky she didn't get killed and ya know, if she had gotten bumped or worse...you would be beating up the driver like you are doing now. Give it a break..please!
